Day: July 17, 2009

Behave yourselves

I’m going to be away for a couple of days, so no wild parties. Seymour the Wonder Cat would have continued to do updates while I was away but he has plans, too. I think they involve shredding something.

Holy crap Batman

Need help wiping your butt? Want to avoid the onerous task of scrunching up the paper? Keen to do away with the risky business of thin toilet paper being the only barrier between your fingers and … er … your…

Maybe it’s time to quit

If ever there was an incentive to quit smoking, American John Muszynski has found it: he was charged $23 quadrillion for a packet of cigarettes at a service station. Yes, that’s quadrillion, a 17-digit number: $23,148,855,308,184,500. And it’s also United…

That’s a ballsy auction

There are times when I stumble across auctions on Trade Me and am left with one small question: Why? If you fancy taking ownership of a a set of cat testicles, here’s your chance. Winky the cat had his nads…

I spoke too soon

We’ve had six aftershocks since the big magnitude 7.8 quake last night, although no rattles for the past eight hours so here’s hoping! I had a good look around inside and out today and found quite a few little cracks…