Category: Random crap

Random thoughts and equally random web links. Unfortunately for you, I like to share.

How to calibrate your mouse

You should actually do this every year (even more often if you spend a lot of time on the computer).  I was shocked to see how well this works, and how far off mine was. To recalibrate your mouse: Place…

Walk on the Wild Side

The BBC’s Walk On The Wild Side videos are hilarious. According to the YouTube page, the show is a world of hip hop-loving badgers, dieting pandas and a marmot called Alan. I wonder if we’ll ever get this series on…

Oh baby, how time flies

Nirvana album

How did that happen? That cute little baby that featured on the cover of Nevermind is now 20 years old. That can’t be right: I remember so vividly when Nirvana released this, and it certainly didn’t feel like it was…

Going, going … nope, still here

I’m sure it was a relief to everyone when the world didn’t end on Friday. Except, of course, the wrinkly old bugger who keeps predicting the end of the world. After his disastrous efforts in predicting the end of times…