Frolicking weta grates on nerves

We’ve been hit by a weta invasion in our bathroom lately. After a bit of checking, it seems the likely source of the annoying little critters is a large tree outside the bathroom window.

It’s not that I mind the way they look, it’s all that leaping around that grates on my nerves. I’ve rescued a few but some just don’t want to be rescued.

According to the Kiwi Conservation Club, they can be pretty “groovy” but I’m not convinced.

Did you know the largest recorded giant weta was three times heavier than the average mouse? Ick.
No offence to tree-hugging insect-lovers out there, but after leaping around the bathroom evading capture, some of the little beasties have ended up getting the big stomp treatment.

The bloke of the house spent some time on Sunday chopping back the tree and we had an even bigger invasion that night: three weta and a rather large spider, all of whom I think may have been evicted from their homes.

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