You remember how to www.histle, don’t you?

(This is the Online column, written for The Southland Times)

Hands up all the habitual whistlers out there … hmmm, come on, surely there must be someone apart from me.

I whistle. Constantly. And loudly.

It’s a habit I picked up from my mother and expanded upon. It annoys a handful of people but I’ve long since worked out that they are the same people who seem truly taken aback by the prospect of someone actually being happy in life.

You know, the miserable gits who probably buy one-ply toilet paper to save money and go through life looking for the rain clouds on sunny days.

For those of you who have yet to master the art of whistling, there’s a handy instructional website that covers both the finger-assisted and fingerless whistles. Very technical stuff.

If you want to see what you can aspire to, check out the site of Whistling Tom. I have a new hero.

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